so shut up ok.
I am accepting my new hair. IT'LL GROW... well, I'm trying [trying real hard] to stay positive.
It'll take some time before I will be able to regain my old self back.

To my beloved LR.
Here's a Thank You note for you!
after all these years as friend. I am going to proudly call you my BPF EVER! I really want to thank you very much for all that you have taught me and guided me along in.In almost many aspects of my small and insignificant life, you have made a mark for yourself there. Whenever I seem to be unable to do my work [especially the english ones and the prefectorial duties we shared eg. speeches and scripts and more speeches and scripts.] you will be there to help me in all those that I cannot do well. You have also been a great person I could confide in, whenever I am feeling low, you'll never fail to cheer me up in an instance [that's how effective you are man!] and then, I could tell you almost everything under the sun, stars and moon! This little thank you note can go on forever but I'll keep it short :)
Take care and Thank you a million!
Good luck for your O levels and I wish you well in everything you do.
P.S. and the Porsche part too. :)
P.S.S. BPF= Best Pig Friend
Pig wong
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